Organic Cleaning

Cleaning Your Space for Holiday Get-Togethers

Cleaning Your Space for Holiday Get-Togethers

The holiday season will be here soon. During this season, you’ll embrace your bonds with family and friends, and it’ll seem like everyone you’ll run into is jollier than normal. Good, cozy vibes will be in the air. It’s a wonderful time.

We like to spend this time with others, and so we have lots of get-togethers (Friendsgivings, holiday dinner parties, costume parties, you name it), and you may want to host some.

Getting your space ready for a get-together is a lot of work, but it’s simple. However you plan out your holiday gathering, I want to make sure you’re on the track to having a successful one. Here are some tips to keep you ready to party (and not stressed out).

Pace Yourself

This is the most important thing to do on the list. Some tasks you’ll perform to get your space ready for a get-together will be big. Sure, you can do them in under 24 hours, but will you want to? I doubt it. Besides, you don’t want to stress yourself out too much before your get-together; you still need to be a delightful host when the time comes.

Create a checklist of everything you need to do for your get-together, from most to least time-consuming. Give yourself about a week to do the most labor-intensive things. You can clean the weekend before your party (unless your party is that Monday).

Move Some Things Around

The goal of your get-together is to show your guests how much you appreciate them. What better way to do that than to create a safe, comfortable environment in which everyone — including you — can let their personality shine?

Your party guests should be able to move around in your space without stubbing their toe on your couch or having to squeeze around other guests (especially important right now). Move some of your furniture if space is an issue for you.

Also, consider that while you and your household/employees may have enough space to move on an average day, your party guests may not. This is not an average day at home or work. You’re gathering with the people you like a lot/love/admire, you all should be able to let your hair down (within reason).

Don’t Neglect the Outside

Imagine this scenario: you get invited to a get-together with all of your closest friends with the unspoken promise that you’ll have a good time. You buy the best costume or accessories and get all dolled up. The day comes, and you arrive at the party...only to find that the doors are grimy and the walkway is full of trampled-through leaves.

It looks like the host threw the gathering together in a rush, and you don’t feel great about it. Your friends are there, so you don’t just leave, but you’re uncomfortable. The overall experience is underwhelming.

That scenario may seem dramatic, but a space’s exterior can set the tone for a get-together. If the outside of your space looks haphazard, guests will feel you couldn’t be bothered to plan the get-together — or to care how they feel about it.

You don’t want that scenario to be your guests’ reality. I encourage you to clean your doors and walkway. Even those tasks can go a long way towards proving to your guest that you appreciate their time.

Pay Attention to Common Areas

The idea of cleaning your entire space may tempt you once you start on your checklist, but it’s unnecessary. Everyone won’t be in every room in your space (if they are, like for a home tour, they won't be in those rooms for long).

Clean the areas where you know guests will be. Mop or vacuum the hallways where guests will walk through most. Make sure your kitchen counters and the coffee table in the living room don’t have random stuff all over them. Keep your toilet and kitchen areas pristine; they may get a lot of use during the get-together. Use a cleaner that won’t irritate people; a solution of white vinegar and water (and maybe a few drops of dish soap) works wonders!

Mind Your Dishes

Make sure the dishes you want to use are in good shape; there aren’t any cracks in them, they aren’t chipped, etc.

If your dishes and cutlery aren’t reusable, clean your dishes well. You don’t want your guests to eat most of their food or drink most of their beverage, and then find out their dish is still dirty.

Don’t Be Afraid to Reach Out

Whether your gathering takes place in person with the help of Zoom, you’ll have to clean for your guests. You all should only worry about the time you'll share at your get-together. Life gets hectic, though, and you can find you have no time to get your space party-ready.

Instead of rushing around at the 11th hour to get everything done for your gathering (and tiring yourself out), contact Andy’s Quality Cleaning to help you. We want to keep you and your guests in the mood to celebrate good tidings and good company. Click the link below today to get a quote from us!

Image is of a photo of a table setting at, presumably, a holiday party. There are 4 plates on top of each other, and a decorative pumpkin is on the top of the stack. Text says “READY FOR THE PARTY TIMES?” and in larger font it says “JUST SHINE”. Company logo is in the bottom left corner.

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