Organic Cleaning

How To: Your Fridge (Part 1)

How To: Your Fridge (Part 1)

Fridge organization is a beautiful thing. It requires a relatively small amount of effort in the grand scheme of things, but it results in big payoffs. For starters, you can easily see all the food you have in an organized refrigerator; this not only helps when it comes time to meal prep and streamlines the process of making a grocery list, but it also reduces the amount of unconscious food that you waste. Second, when your produce or food is stored the right containers and at the correct temperature, it lasts longer without spoiling, which saves you money in the long run. And finally, if you keep good-for-you choices at eye level—think fruit and veggies—you can even improve your diet. This is a good bonus for improving your quality of life.

Step 1: Clear out the fridge
Before you can capably tackle organizing your fridge, you need to clear out and declutter. We suggest taking out all the food items so you can evaluate each and determine its fate.

Step 2: Clean the fridge
If you can’t recall the last time you cleaned your fridge from top to bottom, it’s time. There is a method of deep cleaning your refrigerator correctly but we are not talking about that today. Now that your fridge is empty, follow these steps:

  • Thoroughly wipe all walls, shelves, drawers and compartments with a soft cloth dampened with warm water and mild dish soap.
  • For caked-on gunk, like jelly, syrup, ketchup or mustard, use warm water and a scrubby pad rated safe for nonstick pans.
  • Close the doors for a few minutes to allow your fridge’s interior to get back to the right temperature before you begin replacing contents according to your new organization plan.

Step 3: Organize the fridge
We agree that the best fridge organization plan doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, a simpler system is better, because you are more likely to consistently maintain it, which is, of course, the goal. Most refrigerators have a variety of shelves, drawers and compartments to simplify the logistics of fruit and vegetable storage. Organizing the fridge with bins is another option.

Do what makes the most sense for your family and lifestyle. Make it easy for people to see and grab what they want, so they don’t have to look around, which can make a mess.

Stay tuned for part 2!

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